Thursday 16 October 2014

Invention in january

  • 1 January – A study published in Nature shows that the role of cloud formation in climate change has been underestimated. As a result, global temperatures could increase by 4 °C by 2100 and possibly 8 °C by 2200.[2][3]
  • 2 January
    • Researchers have shown in precise detail how a molecular defect is responsible for myotonic dystrophy type 2, then designed a potential drug candidate to reverse the disease.[4]
    • The asteroid 2014 AA impacts the Earth a few hours after it was first sighted. This was the second time an asteroid was observed before it impacted with Earth (the first being 2008 TC3).
  • 6 January – A new way to destroy metastasizing cancer cells traveling through the bloodstream has been discovered by researchers at Cornell University.[5]
  • 7 January – NASA releases the deepest image ever taken of a galaxy cluster not long after the Big Bang. The image includes Abell 2744, a galaxy cluster in the Sculptor constellation, and was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope.[6]
  • 8 January
    • Using the Sloan Digital Telescope, astronomers have measured the distance to galaxies six billion light-years away – about halfway back to the Big Bang – to an accuracy of just 1 percent. This could aid in the understanding of dark energy, which is thought to be driving the expansion of the universe.[7]
    • A detailed survey of lion populations has revealed that in West Africa, their numbers have collapsed with less than 250 adults remaining.[8]
  • 13 January
    • New analysis of a Tiktaalik roseae fossil, dating back 375 million years, has revealed a key link in the evolution of hind limbs that challenges existing theories on how they first developed.[9]
    • Chemists have engineered a plastic artificial cell containing organelles capable of producing the various steps in a chemical reaction.[10]
  • 14 January
  • 16 January
"Mystery" rock? found by theOpportunity rover on the planetMars – comparison of images: Sol 3528 and Sol 3540 (23 January 2014)[17][18](b/w) (solution).
  • 17 January – NASA reports that a Mars rock, named "Pinnacle Island", that was not in an Opportunity rover image taken on Sol 3528,"mysteriously" appeared 13 days later in a similar image taken on Sol 3540.[17][18] – UPDATE (14 February 2014): "Mystery" seems to have been solved – the location where the rock was dislodged by the rover has been found. (image)
  • 20 January – The ESA's Rosetta spacecraft "wakes up" from hibernation mode to monitor comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko for the next 16 months as the comet travels into, and then out of, the inner solar system. The spacecraft is expected to deploy the Philae lander on the comet's surface in November 2014.[19][20][21][22]
  • 21 January
    • Globally, 2013 was tied with 2003 as the fourth warmest year on record, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).[23]
    • One quarter of the world's cartilaginous fish, namely sharks and rays, face extinction within the next few decades, according to latest research.[24][25]
    • A new device created by the University of California enables real-time measurements of drug metabolism and concentration in the bloodstream, potentially improving the way doses are administered.[26]
    • Extreme air pollution in Asia and China in particular is having a clear impact on weather and climate patterns, according to a study of aerosols and meteorology over the past 30 years.[27]
  • 22 January
  • 23 January – A new microscopy technique can eliminate distortion from nano-scale images.[33]
  • 24 January – NASA reports that current studies on the planet Mars by the Curiosity and Opportunity rovers will now be searching for evidence of ancient life, including abiosphere based on autotrophicchemotrophic and/or chemolithoautotrophic microorganisms, as well as ancient water, including fluvio-lacustrine environments (plains related to ancient rivers or lakes) that may have been habitable.[34][35][36][37] The search for evidence of habitabilitytaphonomy (related to fossils), and organic carbon on the planet Mars is now a primary NASA objective.[34]
  • 26 January – New research indicates that most of the Grand Canyon is much younger than previously thought, having formed as recently as 5 or 6 million years ago, compared to 70 million years as previously estimated.[38]
  • 27 January – Genetic analysis of a European male from 7,000 years ago has revealed he had dark skin, dark hair and blue eyes – suggesting that lighter skin colour evolved much later than was previously assumed.[39]
  • 28 January – A new study shows that living near a fracking site may increase the risk of some birth defects by as much as 30 percent.[40] As many as 15 million Americans may live within one mile of a drilling well.[41]
  • 29 January
    • The axolotl may have gone extinct in the wild. None were found in a recent survey of its only remaining natural habitat, Lake Xochimilco.[42]
    • Japanese researchers have developed a way of turning adult mice cells into stem cells by dipping them in acid. This could pave the way for routine use of stem cells in regenerative medicine with a technique that is cheaper, faster and more efficient than before.[43][44]
  • 31 January
    • A new way of electrochemically converting CO2 – a greenhouse gas – into carbon monoxide has been developed at the University of Delaware.[45]
    • The world's first monkeys with genes modified by CRISPR/Cas9, a new form of DNA engineering, have been created in a Chinese laboratory.[46]
    • Despite warnings from scientists about the ecological impact, Australia's government has approved plans to dump three million cubic metres of sediment near the Great Barrier Reef, as part of the world's largest coal port.

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